A Gift of Change

October 14, 2022
Leviticus 19:2 - “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.”
Leviticus can be a tough book to read through because of all the laws and priestly duties, it’s also a book that concentrates on holiness – the holiness of God and the need for the nation of Israel to be holy. “Be holy, because I, the Lord your God, are holy.”
From the beginning to the end, this book points to Christ. He is pictured in the perfect Law of Moses in many ways and He can be identified in the various sacrificial offerings. The book points to Christ for His atone blood alone takes away the sins of the world.
As we’ve been discussing this month, holiness is something that is given to us by God. To be set apart for His service and worship. The Bible tells us that we are cleaned by His blood for holy use. In this passage Moses is telling the Israelites that they must be holy because God Himself is Holy.
It’s not easy to maintain holiness! We tend to stumble every single day. But it’s so worth it because holiness makes a difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We are called to walk in the way that God commanded us as believers. Just as the instruments were cleansed in the Old Testament for holy use, believers were cleansed by Jesus’ blood for holy use.
When we live in His holiness, it has the power to transform us into the persons God wants to use to accomplish His purpose and plan in the world. How powerful is that? Holiness changes things, and it is a gift. There isn’t a more powerful tool that we have available to use thank Holiness. Reach out and receive it today.