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A Light Has Dawned


“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” ~Isaiah 9:2

The year 2024 is just about completed. It’s been quite a year for everyone - full of challenges and triumphs, sadness and success. Differing amounts for each, but rain and rainbows were present in every life on this planet.

Some focus on the negative, others able to stuff that away and concentrate on the good stuff, eyes on the light shining in the darkness. This verse in Isaiah is part of the prophecy about the coming Messiah. A few verses later is one that we hear every Christmas Eve…”For unto us a child is born, unto to us a Son is given..”

Isaiah wrote with great imagery - if we lived in darkness, EVERYONE would see the light and be drawn to it. I imagine did that he purposely to convey the idea that we SHOULD follow the light, as if we lived in the gloom. People then are the same as people now. Some clung to these promises while others heard then ignored.

Even though Messiah has come, we can still look to the light of the promise of Him coming again! What joy is ahead! Immeasurable. Maybe 2025 will be the year! Joy to the World, the Lord has come! Let every heart rejoice!

Apekdechomai! [my favorite Greek word, which means “an ever-increasing anticipation and expectation]


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