A Tree is Recognized

"Make a tree good, and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.” ~Matthew 12:33
Our jobs can bring out the worst in us. And why not? Difficult coworkers, unreasonable demands, unrelenting deadlines. But what if we handled these with love instead of resentment, irritation and attitude.
Do you remember that song from the 70s - “They will know we are Christians by our love”? I remember singing that in Youth Group and wondering what it really meant - especially the second verse.
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
I came to realize that the workplace was the hardest place to be a good tree bearing good fruit. The minute you slip up, accusing fingers point - “some Christian you are…” Rotten fruit. That’s hard to recover from.
Don’t quit. Good trees need deep roots - that only comes from spending time with God. Rotten fruit will drop off and good fruit will overcome. And they will know you’re a Christian by your love - the best fruit of all!
Have a blessed day!
Blessed Be Boutique
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