Born Again

I discovered this poem that speaks about being a new creation in Christ. No matter how low we go, He is there to raise us up into HIS glory, never our own.
Made In The Likes [posted in orginal format]
You are beautifully made, we all are
That's what God says
In the holy scriptures, that He says
Are more than just words, but its a book that lives
Made in the likes of Him
And isn't He an amazing God you think
Forgiving us for all of our sins
So freely to love and forgive us depite what we've did
You may look in the mirror
think differently about that
focusing on all your flaws, your past mistakes
But thats not how God intended all this
That is just how human minds are, arent we negative
Beauty is not to far, grace abundance
Learn to love yourself for all thats good in you
I promise I see that part of it
God says not to lean on our own understanding. Right
So instead of listening to the demons
Who whisper to you at night
Telling you that you'll never be good enough
Focusing on how you're viewed by the likes
Of other human beings, instead focus your sight
On the one who really matters, follow the light
Defeat the darkness by kneeling by your bed side
Hands enclosed together tight
I'm giving you this advice because well
Jesus is the only reason why I'm still alive
I've been depressed, felt like I was stranded
Cried myself to sleep a multitude of nights
Let other peoples harsh words kill me inside
I even have tried to commit suicide
For attention maybe most the time
Now that ive gotten time to reflect on it
I felt like I wasn't cared about, that's why
I wanted to stop the pain. Not die
Did this a couple of times through out my life
Blocked out my feelings with self harm
Sex, drinking, even tried substances to ease my mind
Abandoned my values for a "good time"
Damaged my character, people don't like me
But God loves all of us through His heavenly eyes
I'm able to forgive him, her, them, myself
For not treating me right
We all deserve another try
Don't be to hard on yourself
Stand up, wipe your tears and cut ties
With all those damging thoughts that only causes your soul to start to wither
God will fight for your life
God is love, talk to Him
You're never alone, even when thats what it feels like
I had hit my rock bottom, stranded
Jesus came in for an emergency landing
I saw how beautifully made I was for the first time
He can save you to
Just kneel and talk to him like He is your family
give it a try
Cause like I said in the beginning
We are made in the likes
Of Him
And isnt he a wonderful God
A Poem by KayLovely1994