Claiming to Be in the Light

Date: October 31, 2023
I use the BLESS method every morning for my devotional.
B - Bible Verse
L - Listen for God's Voice and pray
E - Explore the History and meaning
S - Study the Key Words or Phrases
S - Summarize and Share
You can read more about it by going to: What is a Faith Journal?
B - Bible Verse: "Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness." 1 John 2:9
L - Listen for God's Word and pray: Dear Lord, open my heart and mind as I dig into your Word. Help me understand the depth of your message in this verse and how it applies to my life. Amen.
E - Explore the History and Meaning: The apostle John wrote this letter to address various issues within the early Christian community. It was a time when the message of Christ's love was still taking root. In this verse, John highlights an undeniable truth. Claiming to be a follower of Christ, living in His light, yet hiding hatred or resentment towards another person, especially a fellow believer, is a contradiction. It tells us that we are still in darkness, estranged from the love and teachings of Christ. John emphasizes the inseparable link between walking in the light and loving one another.
S - Study the Key Words or Phrases:
Claims to be in the light: This phrase signifies professing faith in Christ and living according to His teachings.
Hates a brother or sister: John is addressing the presence of hatred or animosity, which is contrary to the love that Jesus taught.
Still in the darkness: This phrase implies a state of spiritual separation from God's light and love.
S - Summarize and Share:
As we come to the end of October, we're concluding our series on "Light in the Darkness." Today, our focus couldn't be more fitting to wrap up this series. It reminds me of the amazing journey we've been on all this month, exploring how God's light can illuminate even the darkest corners of our lives.
In this verse, we're confronted with a truth that resonates deeply with me. It's a truth that transcends religious labels and speaks to the core of our humanity. It's about love, something we all understand and need, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs.
Claiming to be in the light, claiming to follow Jesus, should manifest in love. Not just any love, but a love that's unconditional, even for those we might find challenging to love. This verse reminds me of the times when I've faced difficult relationships or moments when it was easier to hold onto resentment than to extend forgiveness.
But the essence of Christ's teachings is love, and His light exposes the darkness of hatred or animosity that might linger in our hearts. It's a reminder that true followers of Christ not only profess faith but live it out through love. Love isn't always easy; it often requires sacrifice and humility.
As we wrap up this series, I'm reminded of how powerful God's light is. It not only reveals our own hearts to us but also guides us in our relationships. It's a light that leads us away from darkness, from hatred, and into the warm embrace of God's love.
So, as we conclude this series, let's carry this message with us into November and beyond. Let's continue to be children of the light, reflecting Christ's love in our interactions with others. When we encounter darkness in our lives or in the lives of those around us, may we remember the transformative power of God's love and His light.
As we step into a new month, let's carry this light with us, knowing that it has the power to dispel any darkness we encounter. Let's love genuinely, forgive readily, and shine brightly as children of the light.
4 Bible Cross References:
John 13:35 - "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another."
Matthew 5:43-44 - "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
Ephesians 4:32 - "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
1 John 3:14 - "We know that we have passed from death to life because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death."