David loved the Lord

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” ~Psalm 16:11
David loved the Lord - this Psalm demonstrates his trust and complete dependence on Him. He must have been filled with emotion when he wrote these words - similar to how we feel during a hymn or worship song that pulls at our heart strings. Do you have one of those? One that brings tears every single time you hear it?
My Mom said that I would cry every time I heard Silent Night, even as a toddler. It still gets me…especially the 3rd verse…those words…'Son of God, Love’s pure light'. Those radiant beams open up the heavens, connecting mankind to Divinity. Perhaps David felt that as well, for his first person becomes the words of the Messiah. Look at this!
“I am your chosen one. You won't leave me in the grave or let my body decay.” ~Psalm 16:10
Jesus is The Chosen One. “Here is my chosen one, with whom I am pleased. I have put My Spirit on Him. ~Isaiah 42:1b And Easter celebrates the empty tomb!
No wonder God says that “David is a man after My own heart”. That is such an encouragement for us - David did some bad bad things, yet God saw His Son in Him. His words were truly on David’s lips. He does the same for us. He sees His Son. GOD SEES HIS SON IN YOU. In me. What amazing grace!
Have a blessed day!
Bonnie at Blessed Be Boutique