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Do Not Fear, for I Have Redeemed You

“But now, this is what the Lord says— He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.” ~Isaiah 43:1

The prophet Isaiah wrote this hundreds of years before the first Christmas, yet God’s plan was already in place. A plan for a redeemer. In fact, the Bible mentions a coming savior in Genesis 3:15, centuries before that! That is comforting, for it shows that God doesn’t make things up as time marches along - His mission was designed and 'set in stone' before the universe was created.

God says, “You are Mine” and you might counter with, “But He is talking to Israel, not me”. The Bible shows us that Israel, as a people chosen by God, is a forecast of the body of humanity. Christmas, when the Savior was born, is the glimpse of this broadening horizon - the moment before sunrise as the sky begins to lighten. Easter is the sun (Son) bursting forth in full glory - the Cross where the Redeemer fulfilled His mission. We are HIS.

Jesus told His disciples that when He was lifted up [on the cross}, He would draw [drag] all to Himself. [John 12:32] In His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane [John 17:2] the night He was betrayed, Jesus thanked His Father for giving Him all of humanity. We are HIS.

We may get lost now and again. But you have to belong to someone to be lost. We are HIS. Your loved one who doesn’t give a hoot about Jesus right now…they still belong to HIM.

“Who is that coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?” ~Song of Solomon 8:5

Thank you, Father, for Your unrelenting love. Thank you for chasing us down and bringing us back to You. You continually demonstrate Your unfailing love, yet we go about our busy lives and don’t notice. In this coming year, please nudge us to take a pause, to be still to feel Your embrace and hear Your voice. Thank you and Amen.


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