Every Good and Perfect Gift

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17
The world will try to convince you that God plays favorites. It encourages you to look at the life of one person and compare it to someone else as if it is their destiny to be the most successful person in the world’s eyes. But God blesses us in far greater ways than worldly success and money. God is concerned with your eternal life, and will actually give you what your heart truly needs.
Having what you need on a daily basis is definitely important, and God promises to provide everything we need physically. But He has not promised to make you successful in the eyes of the world. He has only promised that if you follow Him, He will guide you to the best life possible that is filled with the fullness of a relationship with Him.
There is so much peace in knowing that God is in full control. He is sovereign and constant in our lives. James is telling us that God can be trusted. He never changes. Though the seasons and the years come and go, He will be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
When we as Christians look inside our hearts, we realize that not everything goes the way we think it should. Sometimes life brings tough trials and we wonder if God is good. Yet what we think and what truly is are two different things. We cannot measure goodness just on our emotions and experience. We have to accept that God gives us good and perfect gifts that are too vast for us to even understand.
In truth, the most perfect gifts are those that don’t come as easily, but they are appreciated more because of the trials we had to endure to get them. If we truly look at our lives compared to what we deserve, we will be able to see the incredible blessings our loving Heavenly Father has given us.
Take a minute today and think about the blessings that God has given you. Allow Him to guide you away from chasing after things that quickly disappear so that you might be filled with joy and thanksgiving for the wonderful gifts you’ve already been given by our good and loving Father.
Have a blessed day.
~ Bev