Fear God and Keep His Commandments, For This is the Duty of All Mankind

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” ~Ecclesiastes 12:13
This book is an odd duck. King Solomon had some high highs in life, but also the lowest of lows. Ecclesiastes falls into the latter category and this verse concludes the book of 12 chapters (along with verse 14: “for God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.”).
He contemplates the meaning of life - he has bought everything there is to buy, tasted everything there is to taste, surrounding himself with every hobby on the planet, married 700 times (yes, seven HUNDRED) plus had a harem of 300 more women. There wasn’t anything that he hadn’t experienced. He should be deliriously happy, shouldn’t he?
He was not. Solomon was miserable and concluded that life was meaningless. “Absolutely pointless!" says the spokesman. "Absolutely pointless! Everything is pointless." ~Ecclesiastes 1:2 The book is almost comical, like it was written by a spoiled child. Yet, Solomon was the wisest human (other than Jesus) who ever lived. This shows what can happen when we lose our connection with God. Re-phrase that…when we turn away from God. WE break that connection, not Him, for whatever reason - anger, grief, selfishness, ego. It’s so important to re-establish our relationship as soon as we see it slipping.
NOTHING is pointless when we have God as our GPS. Life is full of meaning and possibilities. “For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.” ~Romans 8:6
“Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” ~Psalm 37:4
Have a blessed day!
Blessed Be Boutique
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