Give Thanks in the Great Assembly

November 22, 2022
Psalm 35:18 - I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise you.
I know we’ve been in Psalm a lot this month but that is because David is constantly grateful to God and praising Him, and since that’s our theme this month, then that is why we keep going back to Psalms!
Psalm 35 is split into 3 sections. The first part talks about the sins and evil deeds that his enemies have committed, then he asks God to conquer those enemies in part two, then in part three, today’s verse, he is worshipping the Lord in thanks.
David experienced horrible persecution from both Saul and David’s own son, Absalom. Both of them saw David as a rival for the people’s loyalty so they lied about him and slandered him to everyone. His own son didn’t even want to wait for David’s death before he inherited the throne! But the hardest part of this experience for David was that he was kind and loving to them. He cared for them, he prayed for them. He didn’t even try to defend himself or seek revenge on them.
Instead, he committed himself to God’s care. And David STILL thanked the Lord. That is a strength that I pray I would have if someone persecuted me!
David followed the Golden Rule even when others didn’t. Do under others as you would have them do unto you. Whether or not others treat us badly, we need to live by Jesus’ principle if we want to call ourselves his disciples. When we respond to evil with Grace, God promises to hear and answer our prayers for protection and deliverance.
By showing good to those who treat us badly, we bring honor and glory to God.