God Speaking

October 15, 2022
Psalm 139:23-24 - Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
David knew he wasn’t perfect, but he despised anyone who spoke against God and took his name in vain. He was very much aware that sin was always lurking in his heart and mind, so he was asking God to search his heart and know his thoughts. He knows that God already knows everything about him before he even says or does it. He can’t hide from God. If he tried to escape, God would still be present.
Right before these verses, in verse 19, David asked God to destroy the wicked and get them out of his life. Maybe David realized by today’s verse that his hatred was a bit extreme. Maybe he is remembering that he had also done things to dishonor the Lord. So he is asking God to search him and reveal anything that He can find offensive so that He can be led on the right path.
Wow, if only God could point out the things that I will do wrong before I do them! Though a part of me might try to convince God that it’s really not as bad as it seems, I know that I need to see my sin as God sees my sin so that I can confess it and be forgiven, and learn from my mistakes.
Wait, but doesn’t God already help us with that? In many ways He does. When we read the scriptures, or listen to the Word of God spoken, and even when we are quiet enough to listen for that still small voice, God is speaking to us. We just need to invite Him to open our ears and heart so that He convicts us of the things we are thinking and doing that are wrong.
We need to be saying, God, point out anything in me that is offending you, and I will listen to you! Give me ears today to hear you.