God Will Make it Grow

“You will plant a seed, someone else will water it, but God will make it grow.” ~1 Corinthians 3:6-9
These words sound almost exactly like our verse on Monday, which were spoken by Jesus (John 4:38), but Paul has a different purpose. Members of the Corinthian church were arguing over which teacher was the best - they were dividing themselves, claiming to be better that the other group. “I sit under Paul!” “Apollos is my teacher!” Paul says, “it doesn’t matter - we all have a part in the planting, but God is the one who makes things happen.”
There is a heavy responsibility on teachers - they are the ones laying the foundations. I think back to my early days in math class - I missed some key points that hindered me later on. One class had open book tests - I never had to memorize any formulas. I aced the class but when I went on to higher math, I didn’t have a clue. I studied like mad, but the final needed me to know basic math skills. I ended up making pretty patterns of the multiple choice answers.
Our spiritual learning is similar; the foundation has to be Jesus Christ. If you start your journey by learning hymns, for example, nothing will make sense. “Cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb”???? That sounds more like a horror movie. But it is never too late to start! The Holy Spirit pours the love of God into our hearts, filling in all the nooks and crannies and sorts out all the nonsense. He can make our knowledge grow exponentially - I would swear that timed is morphed for us, expanded and extended, so that we can learn at light speed.
God created the plant (us), He knows how to make it grow!
Have a blessed day!
Blessed Be Boutique
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