He is Good

November 15, 2022
1 Chronicles 16:34 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
Today’s verse has us back with David and his psalm of thanks after the ark was brought back and placed in the tent that David had set up for it. They were offering sacrifices and peace offerings to God and David blessed the people in the name of the Lord. Two of God’s primary characteristics are celebrated in this verse; His goodness and His love. And because of them, we should give thanks to the Lord.
This verse is the perfect reminder that we need to recapture the specialness and sacredness of Thanksgiving and Christmas. We’ve been talking all month about being thankful and grateful, and how important it is to count our blessings.
Since God’s love is steadfast and enduring, it means God will never give up on you. He will never leave you or forsake you. And because of how good He is, we will always have reason to give thanks to Him and lift up our praises to Him.
Our thanksgiving shouldn’t be based on how we feel. It should be based on who God is. God is good and loving, all the time. How many of you have heard the call and response that goes like this… God is Good, and the response is All the Time. Then someone else will say, All the time, God is Good.
When you express gratitude, it will change your outlook on life. When we remember not only the reasons we have to be thankful, but Who is responsible for those reasons, we are less likely to focus on things that bring us down. Grateful people tend to be more joyful and optimistic! Less grateful people tend to be bitter and pessimistic.
So let’s practice gratitude and thankfulness because God is Good… all the time!