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He Will Do This

Make a Faith Journal Using the Bless Method | He Will Do This | September 13, 2023 | Psalm 37:5

Date: September 13, 2023

I use the BLESS method every morning for my devotional. 

B - Bible Verse
L - Listen for God's Voice and pray
E - Explore the History and meaning
S - Study the Key Words or Phrases
S - Summarize and Share

You can read more about it by going to: What is a Faith Journal?

B - Bible Verse: "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this." Psalm 37:5

L - Listen for God's Word and pray:

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heart full of trust. I commit my ways, my plans, and my desires to you, knowing that you are the One who guides my steps. Help me to trust in your wisdom and timing, even when I may not fully understand. Thank you for your promise to act on my behalf. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

E - Explore the History and Meaning:  This verse is from the book of Psalms, often attributed to King David. In this particular Psalm, David encourages trust in the Lord, even in the face of evildoers and the apparent prosperity of the wicked. The context emphasizes that committing one's way to the Lord is an act of faith and surrender. The verse reminds us to entrust our plans and decisions to God. It encourages us to place our trust in Him completely, knowing that He will work things out for our good. It speaks to the importance of surrendering control to God and relying on His guidance and providence.

S - Study the Key Words or Phrases:

"Commit your way": This phrase signifies entrusting our plans and life's direction to God, acknowledging His sovereignty.

"Trust in him": Trust is the cornerstone of our relationship with God, signifying our reliance on His wisdom and faithfulness.

"He will do this": This phrase assures us of God's active involvement in our lives when we trust Him.

"Lord": Refers to God, the divine and all-powerful Creator.

S - Summarize and Share:

Psalm 37:5 reminds me of the invaluable lesson of trust and surrender. Life often throws challenges our way, and it's easy to become overwhelmed or try to take control of every situation. I've been there, trying to map out my entire life, thinking I have all the answers. But the truth is, I don't. And that's perfectly okay, because God does.

There have been moments when I've felt lost, when things seemed impossible, and my worries kept me awake at night. But then, I remembered this beautiful verse. " Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this." It's like an invitation to hand over the reins of my life to the One who knows the way better than I ever could.

In those moments of surrender, I've experienced a huge sense of relief. It's like unburdening my shoulders from carrying the weight of the world. When I truly place my trust in God, I feel His presence and guidance. I remember that His plans for me are far greater than I could imagine.

This verse isn't a promise that everything will be perfect, but it's an assurance that God will act in His perfect timing and according to His perfect plan. It's about letting go of my need to control every detail and instead embracing the peace that comes with trusting in Him.

So, if you're going through a challenging time or feeling overwhelmed, I encourage you to take a moment and meditate on Psalm 37:5. Surrender your worries and your plans to God. Trust that He knows what's best for you, and let Him lead the way. It's in this surrender that we find true peace and discover that God's way is always better than our own.

4 Bible Cross References:

Proverbs 16:3 - "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."

Psalm 62:8 - "Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."

Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

Isaiah 26:4 - "Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal."


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