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His Divine Power has Given Us Everything We Need

“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” ~2 Peter 1:3

I've been watching a documentary on the climbing of Mount Everest, the summit being the highest point on this planet, the altitude at which planes fly. I was always distantly aware that being prepared was critical to the success of any climb, but this one! It puts lower-altitude climbs in preschool.

They not only require the right mountaineering equipment, but need to train their bodies to store more oxygen by climbing up and down repeatedly at the lower-still-high-altitudes. Mt Everest is not your weekend adventure!

I picture this magnificent mountain like our life - God has given us everything we need to live as He designed. To enable us to reign in life. Ups and downs are part of that journey - they are necessary to build character and to appreciate all the good in our lives. It’s OK to take shelter during a storm - even butterflies know to pause to prevent wing damage. Jesus often would leave the crush of people begging for healing or teaching to go and be alone, to be still and talk to His Father in heaven. That recharging gives the necessary boost to keep plugging along.

When you come to a challenging part of your climb, pray for sure footing and wisdom to navigate the tough time. Keep your eye on the glorious summit, always in view, knowing that Jesus is our Sherpa, never getting weary of helping and never leaving our side.

“Indeed, the LORD is the One who will keep on walking in front of you. He'll be with you and won't leave you or abandon you, so never be afraid and never be dismayed." ~Deuteronomy 31:8


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