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His Timing is Perfect

His Timing is Perfect

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6

When our girls were little, my husband and I always did the Christmas Eve gift wrapping at midnight thing… so that the presents were under the tree Christmas morning and there wasn’t any worry about anyone trying to get a sneak peek. 

When they were older, we started wrapping a week or so before Christmas and put them under the tree in plain sight. We never had to put a label on them that read, “Don’t open until Christmas” because they were old enough to know better, but they still could hardly wait.

It’s not easy to wait on anything, but patience is a virtue and we try our best to recognize the importance of perfect timing.  This has been a rough year, I think most will agree. So many have been hurting and want relief, whether it’s physical, mental or emotional and just want 2020 to be over. Some are anticipating something special in the future either for themselves or for someone they love.

Whether we want the year to be over due to a loss, we are facing a spiritual struggle, or have an unanswered prayer, we soon find ourselves crying out, “Hurry up, God!” We wonder why God hasn’t acted and the delay can at times cause us to question God and His timing.

Have you been eagerly longing for a world that is free from sin? Have you cried, “Come Lord Jesus, Come.” That will only happen with Christ’s second coming. That is when Satan will be defeated, injustices will be set right and all things will be made new. 

Before the birth of Jesus, many wondered, “When will He come, how long must we wait?” But God wasn’t slow. He wasn’t late. He had a plan, and when the time was right, God sent His Son.

Today, as we wait for God’s answers and His help, or the second coming, remember God’s promise that “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.”  Isaiah 40:31. God might not come when we want Him to come, but we can indeed trust Him.  His timing is perfect.


Have a blessed Christmas


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