Holy Holy Holy

October 8, 2022
Isaiah 6:3 – “And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
the whole earth is full of His glory.”
Isaiah 6 starts out with a vision that Isaiah saw of the Lord sitting on a throne and was lifted high in the air, with his robe filling the temple. There were angels around him, which he called seraphim. They each had six wings; two they used to cover their faces because they were too lowly to look upon the Lord, two covered their feet, which they consider a “humble” area of their body, and two so that they can fly.
Then one of the angels cried out to the others, Holy, Holy, Holy IS the Lord Almighty, the whole earth is full of His glory!”
God was calming Isaiah’s fears, not by removing the problem, but by showing His divine power and presence. God opened up the veil of heaven for a moment and allowed Isaiah to get a glimpse of His very throne room! But what Isaiah sees is both awesome, and yet terrifying at the same time!
So God is up there, sitting on His throne, He is in control… and He has a plan. God’s holiness is the main focus because the angels are calling to each other, Holy, Holy, Holy! They weren’t saying, Love, Love, Love or Mercy, Mercy, Mercy… even though God is those things as well, but there is something significant in the fact that the focus in heaven is God’s holiness. God cannot sin, he hates sin. Do we hate sin the same way that God does? Nope, we don’t. We are often very tolerant of sin, especially our own sins.
The angels around God are worshiping God, which is their fulltime job. We can learn an important lesson from the angels. True worship is lifting God up, True worship is God focused. We need to worship God the way that He wants to be worshiped. And that means our focus must be on God, and not ourselves.