Live a Holy Life

October 5, 2022
1 Thessalonians 4:7 "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a Holy Life."
The word 'holy' sounds, religious, old school - like it belongs to fancy highly-decorated sanctuaries and old relics under glass. But, did you know what it actually means? The word 'holy' means 'to be set apart for a purpose' - God's purpose. Wait, didn’t I say yesterday that sanctify means to set apart too? Yep, I did! Sanctification is the process of becoming Holy. So holiness is the outcome of being sanctified.
So today’s scripture tells us to live a Holy life. Be Set apart. Like the china our grandmothers saved for special occasions.
We as Christians are holy. What? Yes, we are. Remember that old china? Some of it was discolored or had fine cracks running through it, but it was still saved and used. Teacup handles glued back on - not disposed of, still useful. Use-full. Full of use. Just like us. Paul was writing about living a life pleasing to God in his letter to the Thessalonian church - these words apply just as much to current day, as it did then.
God has set each and every one of us apart - has made us holy. We have a unique purpose. "But my life is mundane" - no matter how dull and boring it may seem, there is one goal - "whatever you do, do all things for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31b We can't all smuggle Bibles into dark countries, but we can reflect Christ in our everyday lives. It could be in your positive attitude, your smile, your acts of kindness, your care for those in need.
We all have a God-given purpose, and Paul tells us that in this verse. We have a different calling. We are to live a Holy life. Your calling is to be Holy.
Let’s be passionate about holiness in our lives, both because that is what God wants, and also because it is what we should seek. Allow the Holy Spirit to kindle a passion for holiness in each of us and empower us to live in a way that honors Him.