Love Does No Harm

“Love doesn't hurt others. So loving is the same as obeying all the law.” ~Romans 13:10
This is so simple. Can you imagine a world where this was practiced by everyone? It doesn’t matter what culture, whether on American soil or ‘across the pond’, God’s love solves every disagreement, heals every hurt and keeps wrong and injustice out of the picture. Take the Ten Commandments, for example…if you love, you will not murder or steal. If you love God, you will not worship another.
But as humankind, we can’t help but mess that up. Our distorted ideas of what love is gets in the way. Two years ago, I wrote: The word ‘love’ is one of the most over-used words in the English language. We love everything from orange juice to orangutans. We love our church and our new car and our family and our coffee. We love Jesus and Journey and sleeping in. We love puppies and babies and pictures of puppies and babies. I tried to conduct an experiment to count the number of times I heard someone say that they loved something. I gave up. Then I tried the same on myself. I lost track.
The prophet Joel prophesied that the Spirit would be poured out on all flesh. Romans 5/5 tells us that the Holy Spirit pours the love of God into our hearts. The love of God saturating the hearts of all mankind. This love remains. This love is stronger than death. John told us that we can only love because God loved us first. No one has greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. This man is Jesus Christ Himself. So it is not our love that we love with – it’s the love of God loving in us and through us and for us.
God is love for us.
Have a blessed day!
Blessed Be Boutique
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