Made Complete

“But whoever keeps His word, truly in him the love of God is made complete. This is how we know we are in Him.” ~1 John 2:5
It seems as if the world has never needed the love of God as much as it does now. Hate, revenge, evil is rampant. It reminds me of a common theme for the Israelites in the book of Judges: “everyone did whatever they pleased”. How did that turn out? Not so good. Roughly 400 years of anarchy. That ended when they demanded a king. God complied and gave Israel what they asked for, but that, of course, was all part of the grand narrative, designed to prepare the world for the Savior, the Messiah.
Messiah came with a message of Love. Messiah was and is love personified. John tells us, “Loved ones, let us love one another, for love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. ~1 John 4:7-8. Lots of ‘loves’. John makes sure we know that we are loved with God’s very own essence. And the love we give back is His love! We can’t love without Him. The Holy Spirit Who dwells within us makes that love complete. He continually pours out that divine love in our hearts (Romans 5:5) so that we can love others. Talk about full circle!
Love can tame the world. We can preach Jesus without saying a word. Love draws, hateful speech does not. Spend a minute on social media and that is made clear in no time! Current culture is desperate for the love of God; the world is starving for Jesus. Let us, as the community of faith, help and not hinder the spread of His love. May we see a transformation unmatched by anything else!
Have a blessed day!
Blessed Be Boutique
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