Mercy and Grace

Date: January 24, 2023
I use the BLESS method every morning for my devotional.
B - Bible Verse
L - Listen for God's Word and pray
E - Explore the History and meaning
S - Study and savor
S - Summarize and Share
You can read more about it by going to: What is a Faith Journal?
Bible Scripture Verse – Hebrews 4:16
"Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Listen for God’s Voice
Help me to understand teachings. Give me the confidence to come to You with trust and assurance, so that I can experience Your mercy. Help me to understand the meaning of Your word and use it to fulfill Your purpose in my life. Amen.
Explore History – Who wrote it, when and to what audience? Key people in the story?
It is believed that Paul wrote Hebrews to the Jewish Christians who were struggling with their faith during a time of persecution. Paul often quotes passages from the Old Testament to draw connections between the old and new covenants so that he can show them that Jesus has fulfilled the promises that were made to Israel.
Study and Savor – Key Words
"Approach" - This word suggests that the readers are actively making an effort to come closer to God, and to enter into a deeper relationship with Him. It implies a sense of humility and a willingness to seek out God's presence.
"Throne of grace" - This phrase refers to God's throne, which is a symbol of His authority and power. The word "grace" implies that God's presence is not only powerful, but also merciful and compassionate. This phrase encourages the readers to approach God's throne with the understanding that He is not only just and powerful, but also a loving and gracious God.
"Confidence" - This word suggests that the readers should approach God's throne with a sense of trust and assurance. It implies that they can approach God with the belief that He is listening and will respond to their requests.
"Mercy and grace" - These words are closely related and have similar meanings, but they have slightly different connotations. "Mercy" refers to God's compassion and forgiveness, and "grace" refers to God's unmerited favor and love. Together, these words convey the idea that God is both merciful and gracious and that He is willing to extend His love and compassion to all who come to Him.
Summarize and Share
The book of Hebrews was written to encourage Jewish Christians who were struggling with their faith during a time of persecution. Paul wanted to remind them of the superiority of Jesus and the new covenant over the old covenant of the law. The author wants to encourage them to hold fast to their faith in Jesus.
What a great reminder that we can approach God with confidence, knowing that He is a gracious and merciful God. We can always trust in God's love and faithfulness, and rely on His grace and mercy to guide us through difficult times.
As believers, we should take this verse as a call to action and actively strive to approach God with confidence, knowing that He is a loving and compassionate God. We should trust in His mercy and grace and rely on Him to guide us through our struggles. Let us approach God's throne of grace with confidence and receive His mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.
Bible Cross Reference
Romans 5:2 - "Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God." This verse is similar to Hebrews 4:16 in that it speaks of the believer's access to grace through faith in Jesus. Both verses emphasize the importance of faith in approaching God and experiencing his grace.
Ephesians 3:12 - "In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence." This verse is similar to Hebrews 4:16 in that it speaks of the believer's ability to approach God with freedom and confidence through faith in Jesus. Both verses highlight the importance of faith in approaching God and experiencing his grace.
Hebrews 10:19-22 - "Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." This verse is similar to Hebrews 4:16 in that it speaks of the believer's ability to approach God with confidence, through the blood of Jesus and his body. Both verses emphasize the importance of faith in approaching God and experiencing his grace.
1 John 5:14 - "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." This verse is similar to Hebrews 4:16 in that it speaks of the believer's ability to approach God with confidence, knowing that God hears and responds to their prayers. Both verses emphasize the importance of faith in approaching God and experiencing his grace.