Mustard Seed Faith

"Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, 'Why could we not cast it out?' He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:19-20
A grain of mustard seed looks totally insignificant, just one or two millimeters in diameter. Yet, when that seed is sown into good soil, these tiny seeds can grow into huge trees. But, nothing happens by staring at the seed. It must be planted.
My daughter and son in law planted a garden this spring. They planted a little bit of everything, but they wanted enough tomato plants to be able to make spaghetti sauce. So, they planted 12 tomato plants. They were diligent in watering that garden daily and weeding it often. Do you have any idea how many tomatoes they got? Enough that not only did they have plenty for spaghetti sauce, but so did we, and so did two others that they gave tomatoes to!
When you’re planting seeds, it isn’t the size of the seed that is important, as long as there is a seed. No seed obviously means no action and no consequence. No faith clearly results in no miracles.
However, even a teeny tiny seed can be enough for some fairly major action, in fact it is actually quite miraculous. But that tiny seed can’t do it on its own. There has to be other conditions in place in order for it to grow. If those conditions are in place, the seed simply grows. Without any effort on its part, and without having to tell those other conditions what to do to help it grow, it just grows.
The gardener has the control.
Our small seed of faith is enough to cause enormous miracles when we put our small seed into the hands of the Heavenly Gardener, and He puts that little seed into the right atmosphere for the full potential to be released. As long as we have some faith - however small - God can use it. If we trust in Him and His mountain-moving power then even our small seed of faith can be enough to achieve His great miracles.
Where will you plant your seeds?
Have a blessed day!
The mustard seed is a sign that anything is possible with Jesus, no matter how big or small. God bless this business and everyone that purchases from it.🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️