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My Peace I Give You

In a recent international survey, the quality of life most desired, even greater than financial stability or good health, was contentment. Peace of mind. That surprised me but also gave me hope for the human race. This is attainable!

Where so we get this elusive trait? How can we possibly sustain it?

Jesus, in John chapter 14, was telling His followers that He would be leaving them, but would send the Holy Spirit to teach, comfort and guide them. He said, "I am giving you MY peace. Not the peace that the world defines, but My very own peace." That same peace is for us today! God's peace! For US!

You might ask, "What does that look like?" Jesus demonstrated this peace when He was sound asleep in the bottom of a boat in the middle of a storm. Can you picture this? The Sea of Galilee can have hurricane-force storms kick up suddenly and the fishing boats at that time weren't huge. Luke and Matthew both tell us that the waves were filling the boat and the men were fearing that it was the end. These were experienced fishermen! They were used to the stormy Galilee, but this was a doozy. After they exhausted all of their efforts, they called on Jesus, who immediately stilled the storm.

Why do we wait until we've tried everything before we call on God? Shouldn't He be the first? Why do we want to "do it ourselves"? He anxiously waits to help us! He is sitting on the edge of His seat, waiting for us to ask (Isaiah 30:18). When I am tense about something, I ask God to trade my anxiety for His peace. He does every time! I may have to keep asking when I take the anxiety back, but He immediately "rebukes the storm"...over and over. He never tires of our humanness. Thank you, God!

Have a blessed day!

Blessed Be Boutique

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