Path of Purity

October 30, 2022
Psalm 119:9 “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.”
How can a young person stay on the path of purity? This question isn’t any easier to answer today than it was in ancient times. There are many who think that young people should go ahead and enjoy themselves when they are young, to get it out of their system because they can always settle down and be religious and proper once they get older. Today’s society often talks about satisfying your own desires.
But God’s answer to that is quite different. God says, if you’re going to live for me, you need to begin as early as possible, preferably at a very young age. In fact, in Matthew 19:14, Jesus tells them, Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” So at a very young age, you should start living according to God’s word.
The scripture today asks about a young person staying on the path of purity. But I think this actually applies to people of all ages. One of the best ways to stay pure in all ways is to memorize scripture. I’m one of the first to admit that I am not good at memorizing scripture! I’m good at saying, somewhere in the Bible it says… then look it up! But if you truly want to stay on the path of purity, and live according to God’s word, the best way to do that is to memorize it.
I am going to challenge myself to start memorizing scripture. Starting with just one verse. Then once I’ve got that one down, I’ll move on to the next one, and so on. I’m not doing it just to show off. I’m planning to do it for warfare against Satan. Satan hates the word of God! So if I want to live according to God’s word, then I need to know it better.
I’ve already been more in the Word since the beginning of July when I started this class than I have been in years! So now it’s time to dig a little deeper.