Put Down Roots
Put Down Roots
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7
We all face trials in our lives and constantly feel like we are being tested. But we all handle those trials and tests different, and the way we face them depends a lot on the foundation of our faith. It’s not dependent on how much scripture we can quote, or how often we attend church or even how much we give, or do for others. It rests in knowing that God loves us.
This foundation of love is what keeps us from getting carried away with other doctrines and beliefs. Paul warns the church at Colossae that they will be carried off by ideas that ‘seem good’ if they are not firmly rooted in Him. We are in Christ, not because of anything we have done, but by the work of the cross. To grow and be firmly and deeply planted, we have to seek truth by reading the Word and spending time with the Father in prayer. We must put down roots in Jesus and in His word.
As we do this, we build ourselves up. Learning His nature through the Word, and experiencing it first-hand in prayer develops a deeper relationship with Him. It’s from this relationship, not knowledge, that we experience true love, joy, and peace. We become securely rooted in the truth of who we are in Christ and His love for us.
Trials and tests are always going to be there, but our reaction changes. We can still hope and expect for great things because we know He has a plan and purpose for us, and our joy overflows at what God is working in us and through us. The roots we put down, or the foundation of faith and love of Christ, provide nourishment for our souls, but these roots also provide stability and strength for the storms.
Even in our weakness, we have an advocate who already won and defends us from the accuser. Doesn’t that bring you joy? I know it does for me! We don’t have to just endure the trials and tests; we can be joyful because in Him, there is always hope.
It can be difficult to feel victorious when we experience hard times, but rooting ourselves in the love of the Father and the sacrifice of Jesus will cause our hearts to overflow with joy. Out of joy comes our thanksgiving to Him who gave all so we would live victorious.
Have a blessed day!