Seed Sown on Good Ground

“And those like seed sown on good ground hear the word, welcome it, and produce fruit thirty, sixty, and a hundred times what was sown.” ~Mark 4:20
This is the closing line of a parable Jesus taught, called the Parable of the Sower. [Read Mark 4:1-20]. We often hear the word, ‘parable’, but what does it really mean? It comes from a Greek word that means ‘throw beside’. Jesus was taking a common theme, agriculture in this instance, and tossing it alongside a theological concept so that they would understand. Theme: Good soil will grow a healthy plant, which bears much produce. Teaching: Our hearts are like the good soil when we are open to hearing what God has for us. When we put His word into action, many lives are touched.
I used to think that the types of ground in this parable represented different kinds of Christians, but I’ve come to believe that the hard, rocky, thorny, fertile ground is ME. You. All Christians at various times in our lives, or even within a single day. There are times when I get too busy to listen to His Spirit. My mind can get distracted even when I am reading His word. Those seeds of the living word of God bounce off my brain and fail to take root. Or Satan can take them, twist and distort so that inattentive me goes down the wrong path. BUT, when I am attentive and focused, my mind is fertile, like a sponge soaking up the water of the Word. The fruit of the Spirit is abundant, spreading to those around me. Would that be 24/7!
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