Set Free From Sin

October 28, 2022
Romans 6:22 “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.”
When we become Christians, our goal is to not let sin win over our life any more. We want our life to glorify God, the one who sent His son to the cross in order to forgive us of our sins. Sin always dishonors God. But a holy life glorifies Him.
But how do we win over sin when it’s all around us. When it’s so easy to fall back into old routines? Paul is asking us to stop and think about the benefits of sin. What do you gain when you sin? Maybe a temporary pleasure….but in reality, you gain nothing at all. When you sin, you are not truly free, as you may think you are. You are actually slaves to sin. That sin is actually leading you toward death, not life.
I’m pretty sure that we all have sins that we are ashamed of. I know I do. So what can we do when those things pop into our heads? First, let those sins humble you so that you remember that you were very similar to others that are also sinning now. You once were a slave to that sin, so don’t be judgmental about others that are sinning. Second, thank God for loving you in spite of your sin and thank Him for sending His son to die for your sins. And third, be on guard so that you don’t fall back into those old sins, or into new ones! Sin holds a powerful attraction, even when you’re a Christian.
Satan paints a really nice picture of how a life of sin is full of freedom and pleasure. But living a life where we become slaves of God is entirely different. Holiness blesses those who walk with God. We get to enjoy fellowship with the living God. Like we talked about yesterday, God dwells in you so that you are never alone. He’s right there guiding you and protecting you. I think I’ll take that over being a slave of sin.