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Share The Love


 “Oh gift thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!”  1 Chronicles 16:34

Thanksgiving is a special time of year for a lot of reasons. But one main reason is that it’s the launch of the holiday season. Just about everyone knows that when the turkey dinner is over, the shopping season begins.

Thanksgiving is embedded with tradition for a lot of people. It can be very tough for some, yet very joyous for others. Many are dealing with grief and loss and the holiday is a reminder of who is not there to celebrate the family traditions that have long been a part of the family. For others, it’s a joyous time of new and old traditions, possibly new family members and love mixed with sharing. Either way, there are some things you can do to make the holiday your own and remember the love of God and warmth of sharing in the season.

People need the love of Christ more than ever during the holidays. If you are one of those that is struggling to get through the holiday, let me share some ideas that may help your heart and family, as well as another person or family this season.  

Sometimes the thing that we need the most is the thing we need to give away to someone else. Don’t be timid to reach out to others this season. You never know who really needs the love and fellowship during this time of year. Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to do that because there is always someone hurting that needs a kind face or an act of love and kindness shown towards them.

Looking at some of the traditions of Thanksgiving brings back memories. People are usually in the kitchen cooking and laughing. There are children running around everywhere. The dad, who is the only one that cooks the turkey and slices it with his special knives. The mom and her sisters that make the best yams, green beans and cranberry sauce on the planet. Then there’s the aunt that has the best dinner rolls and starts the holiday shopping with all the sales. But we can’t forget the grandmother that has the best cornbread stuffing and pies that everyone waited all year for.

But what if these traditions have changed? That special family member passed this year, someone move across country, or expenses or other circumstances changed the way it looks? How can you remember the holiday with love when you or some of your family members hurt so bad from loss that you can barely cook a can of soup? How can you share your faith when you feel faithless this year due to loss or another situation? Here are few ideas:

  • Start a new tradition

There is nothing that says you and your family can’t start new traditions. Start a tradition of giving to someone in memory or honor of another person. Maybe start a new tradition that involves all the younger children that they can pass down as the years go by. Maybe new is what you need this year if you are in this place of angst over the holiday.

  • Invite a neighbor, church family or friend to dinner

Thanksgiving is great time to share that meal with a neighbor, friend, or church member. Maybe instead of cooking for just your family, why not cook the entire meal for someone else that can’t. I remember a good friend who cooked the entire Thanksgiving meal for another friend and took it to her and her children because she had just come out of the hospital and was recovering in bed. Get together with family and think about who you could share a meal with. There may be a widow in the church that will be experiencing the first holiday alone. Ask God what you can do and see how He invites you to show love this year.

  • Serve at a shelter or other venue that is serving the less fortunate

Take time this holiday and serve others less fortunate. Ask around at the local shelters and see what you and your entire family could do this year for them. See what needs they have and be a blessing to them. Maybe your church is serving dinner to the community. Maybe you can cook, serve, or greet people during this time. Maybe you could make food or dessert baskets. Serving is a great way to make the holiday more meaningful.

Sharing the love of God this season is what’s important. People remember what you do for them more than what you said to them. So, say it with sharing this year and let the love of Christ speak louder than anything.


  • Thank you for your messages of Blessings. I enjoy them very much. It got me thinking about being more personal in my giving. I give to Meals on Wheels but that is not as personal, inviting only the family for Thanksgiving WOULD mean more to have someone other for the occasion.

    God Bless You and Yours,

    Servando Varela, Jr.

    Servando Varela, Jr.
  • Thank you very much for your Blessing and messages this year. Your ideas helped and got me thinking, of inviting others, other than my family for Thanksgiving.

    I have already given to the Food Pantry and Meals on Wheels. But that is not as personal.

    Thank You,
    & With Love,

    Servando Varela, Jr.

    Servando Varela, Jr.

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