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Spoken By Us to the Glory of God


Date: August 13, 2024

I use the BLESS method every morning for my devotional.

B - Bible Verse
L - Listen for God's Voice and pray
E - Explore the History and meaning
S - Study the Key Words or Phrases
S - Summarize and Share

You can read more about it by going to: What is a Faith Journal?


B - Bible Verse in NIV (2 Corinthians 1:20) For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.

L - Listen for God's Voice and pray Heavenly Father, thank You for the assurance that all Your promises find their fulfillment in Christ. Help us to trust in Your faithfulness and to confidently say "Amen" to Your promises. May we savor the certainty of Your word and live in a way that brings glory to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

E - Explore the History and meaning Paul wrote this letter to the Corinthian church to address various issues and strengthen their faith. In this passage, he's emphasizing the reliability of God's promises, all of which are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The "Yes" and "Amen" represent the absolute certainty and affirmation of God's faithfulness to His word.

S - Study the Key Words or Phrases

"Promises God has made" - Refers to all of God's commitments in Scripture

"Yes in Christ" - Indicates that Jesus is the fulfillment and guarantee of God's promises

"Amen" - A declaration of affirmation and agreement with God's promises

S - Summarize and Share (Savoring God's Promises theme)
This verse like opening a treasure chest full of God's faithfulness? It's a promise about promises, and it's one we can savor with every breath we take.

You know, sometimes when we read the Bible, we might wonder, "Do all these promises really apply to me? Can I really count on them?" Well, this verse is God's resounding "Yes!" to all those questions.

Paul tells us that no matter how many promises God has made – and there are a lot of them in Scripture – they all find their "Yes" in Christ. Isn't that amazing? It's like Jesus is the great big "YES" stamp on every single promise God has ever made.

Think about some of those promises for a moment. Promises of love, of forgiveness, of guidance, of eternal life. Promises to never leave us or forsake us, to work all things for our good, to give us peace that passes understanding. Every single one of these promises gets a "Yes" because of Jesus.

And then Paul adds this beautiful detail – through Christ, we get to speak the "Amen." Now, we often say "Amen" at the end of prayers, but do you know what it means? It means "So be it" or "Let it be so." It's our way of agreeing with and affirming God's promises.

When we really savor this truth, it changes how we view everything in life. Having a tough day? God's promises are still "Yes" in Christ. Facing an uncertain future? The promises are still "Yes." Feeling unlovable? Yes, even then, God's promises hold true.

So today, let's practice savoring this amazing promise. Let's take some of God's promises – maybe write a few down that are especially meaningful to you – and really meditate on the fact that they are "Yes" in Christ. Let's confidently say "Amen" to these promises, trusting in God's faithfulness.

Remember, every promise God has made finds its fulfillment in Jesus. That's a truth we can savor today, tomorrow, and for all eternity. Let it fill your heart with joy and your spirit with peace as you face whatever this day may bring.

3 Bible Cross References:

Numbers 23:19

Joshua 21:45

Hebrews 10:23

Question for the audience: Which of God's promises do you find most comforting or encouraging in your current season of life? Share just a word or short phrase in the comments, and let's remind each other of the beautiful promises we have in Christ!

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