Teaching the Word of Truth

“Be diligent to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.” ~2 Timothy 2:15
We all want to do a good job, don’t we? Some care more than others, but generally, I think that we want to hear that our bosses like what we do. I always dreaded annual evaluations. Did I do enough? Did I disappoint anyone? Have I covered all the bases? I KNEW I had earned top marks, but that verbal approval was something that was important to me.
I wonder how Timothy felt? He was a young pastor, working under the leadership of Paul. Was he overwhelmed with having the responsibility of several churches? Did he feel insecure because of his age? We have some of the letters that Paul wrote to him and it reveals that Paul recognized the pressure Timothy faced. It seems that Paul even recommended the first century version of “Tums” - perhaps Timothy had a nervous stomach. “Stop drinking only water, but use a little wine for your stomach because of your frequent illnesses.” ~1Timothy 5:23
Paul’s instructions apply to us, as well, for we all are teachers in some capacity. Our words and actions are constantly on display to others, a real life example of Jesus. Ooooo…that hurts a little. What is my evaluation going to be? My Big boss is Jesus. I do not want to be ashamed. He sees everything I think and do. Oh boy. But wait…..Jesus also tells us that He will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5b), we have His Spirit to guide us (Romans 8:9) to help us do the impossible things with the mind of Christ, to forgive and forget, to reconcile, to squash the juiciest of gossip. (1 Corinthians 2:16). An ever-present help! And it’s FREE. He WANTS us to succeed.
We CAN be like Him.
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