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The First Month of Your Year

image of an open bible with a light shining down on it with the words "the first month of our year, January 7, 2023, Exodus 12:1-2"

Date: January 7, 2023

Bible Scripture Verse

Exodus 12:1-2 - The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year.

Listen for God’s Voice

Lord I pray that I am always ready for whatever you ask of me. Without question.

Explore History

This scripture is when Moses and Aaron were in Egypt, and the Lord spoke to them, giving them the Passover instructions. The coming deliverance from Egypt was such a huge act that God told the people of Israel to remake their calendar. The new year would start now, with the month of their redemption. The Jews celebrate the new year in September during Rosh Hashanah. 

Study and Savor – Key Words

First month of your year. 

Summarize and Share

Everything was about to change in the scripture after this one. 

God then gave them very specific instructions as to how to get an unblemished lamb, keep it for 4 days, then slaughter it and put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts. Then He gave them specific instructions on how they should dress, with their sandals on, and staff in their hand, and then to eat the lamb hurriedly. Now normally, eating a meal would take a long time, they actually lounged when they ate and enjoyed their food. But they were told to eat every bit of the lamb. Then He will pass through the land that night and strike every first born in the land of Egypt that did not have the blood of the lamb on their houses. Their safety was dependent on them following all of the instructions. 

There are so many ways we can take this text. The most importance being obedience and being ready.  There have been many times when I know that God was asking me to do something. I’ve felt a nudge or something that kept coming back to me over and over again, but I just didn’t think I was ready! For whatever reason. But God did, or He wouldn’t have asked. How can we be ready when God calls us?  Be ready by praying and keeping in touch with the Lord, being in the Word, as much as possible. 

Bible Cross Reference

Exodus 34:18

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