The Ninety Nine
December 22, 2022
Luke 15:7 - I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Today’s scripture is part of Luke 15 where the Jesus was surrounded by “tax collectors and sinners” the Bible tells us. And the Pharisees were upset because He was eating with them. So Jesus told them the parable of the lost sheep in which a man has 100 sheep and one of them is lost, so he leaves the 99 to find the one. Then he talks about the woman who has 10 coins and loses one, and searches till she finds it.
We all know that there’s no way we can ever understand the depths of God’s love for us. We are all sinners and we always fall short on the glory of God but Jesus tells us that heaven will rejoice every time we repent. Every time.
God wants us. He doesn’t need us, He doesn’t need anything! It’s us who need Him. But He wants us and He loves us so much and in this whole chapter, it’s showing us that God is the one who takes the initiative. The parable talks about the shepherd being the one to go out and search, leaving the 99, just to find the one lost sheep. It’s God that takes the initiative in seeking sinners.
He wants to find us so that we are able to receive salvation through His son Jesus Christ. He’s totally ready to leave the other sheep just to find the ones that are lost. He’s the one leading the search party, and it cost Him a lot to do that. It took His Son’s blood and His life. He stretched out His hands for us and let them be pierced with nails, for us.
So yes, God indeed will rejoice for even one sinner who repents. He knows that as soon as one sinner repents, that person will accept Jesus as His Lord and Savior and through that, he will be able to live a new life that is holy and pleasing in God’s sight.