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The Voice Behind You

The Voice Behind You

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30:21

If I were to ask you what your biggest dream or desire in life is, what would be your answer?  Has your dream always been to get married and raise a family? Write a book? Start your own business? Or hike the Himalayas? Take just a minute and think about it. What is your biggest dream right now?

If I were to collect some of your replies, I am sure that there would be many very unique and different answers depending on the person that is answering. Some may even change their dream to something different after they’ve read what someone else wrote!

God really does plant some amazingly creative ideas in our hearts, doesn’t He?  It really shouldn’t come to us as such a surprise though.  I mean, the Creator of the Universe made us in His own image. It would make sense that a creative God would make us creative beings.  But do we always remember to give Him the credit for those ideas?

God is the originator of all of our dreams. We are simply stewards of this world and as such are responsible for taking care of His creation and His unique dreams and desires for our lives. So if we are His stewards, then we should be asking God continually what our next steps are before we take them. Every single day we have a lot of different decisions that we need to make, whether they are personal or business related. In any given year, we are faced with thousands of opportunities that could drastically change the course of our lives.  Every turn we take, every dream we have can make a significant impact on our future.

We are surrounded by a culture that encourages us to dream bigger, work harder and faster and to get to the top. Sometimes it gets so noisy racing for those dreams that we struggle to even remember to ask about the next steps that God has planned. Or, we can’t hear His answer over all the commotion. It would definitely be nice if there was a neon sign above us instead, telling us what to do, but we all know that’s not exactly how it works.

Whether I am offered a lot of different choices on what I should or shouldn’t do, or maybe I just have one serious question that needs answered, I like to fall back on today’s verse to help guide my decisions. “your ears will hear the voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”  I struggle with being still and listening for God’s voice, but there always seems to be that voice that comes from behind me, that gentle guiding voice that is whispering directions in my ear.

What would happen if we all just quieted the voices around us and tuned into the voice of God? I think it will give us the amazing opportunity to see and hear the plans that God has for us on a daily basis, and I know that He will bless our efforts and multiply our blessings.

Have you asked God what your next step is for today? Go ahead, ask Him right now. Then listen for the answer.

Have a blessed day!



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