Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Happy New Year! Twenty-twenty-five? How can it be? In my teens years, that seemed like something out of the Jetsons. As the years march on, one thing stays the same on this day. Resolutions.
New Year Resolutions, the dreaded list that lasts an average of 1.6 days. The items are considered, starting around Thanksgiving when we all go into a massive carb intake and retention. The items are ambitious and easily pushed back until January 1rst. "I don't have to do that yet, it's not New Years".
So, number one should be spending time with Jesus, right? Top 5, at least.
But...what if we made Jesus the paper where we write the list? Sounds a little out there, doesn't it?
Paul tells us that our life IS Christ in his letter to the Colossians. Not a priority or a resolution. But our actual being. We have the MIND of Christ (1 Cor 2:16). That means we think, plan and purpose like Him - a Christ-centered life.
If we are walking with Him, then we will automatically, without thinking, resolving or planning, shine with the light of Christ! Then all those resolutions may be easier keep.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him is all your ways, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
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