Unspeakable Gift

November 14, 2022
2 Corinthians 9:15 “Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift!”
What's the best gift you've ever received? I know this sounds silly, but the best Christmas gift I’ve received was the year my husband got me an electric car starter! We don’t have a garage, and we live in western PA, so we get a lot of cold weather and snow. Our girls were little and I was working full time, and one of the things I have always hated was having to go out and start the car to get it warmed up before driving them to daycare and me to work. So when I opened that present and saw what I had gotten, I was pretty much speechless! It was the perfect present for me!
As I wrote this, Matthew 7:11 came to mind: "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, by how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" And Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly more than all the things which we ask or think"
What is God's greatest gift? Paul calls it 'unspeakable'. Other translations use the words, 'inexpressible', 'indescribable', 'too wonderful to describe', 'priceless'. When the translations vary, that often indicates that we don't have a word in English to match the Greek. Also significant is the fact that this word is only used one time in the whole Bible. God wants us to notice this gift. Why? Because it is His Son - Jesus Christ. THAT is the greatest gift ever given. It is free and it is for everyone, no matter what they have done.
As we approach Thanksgiving, let this gift be foremost in our minds - let your gratitude for HIM spill over into every area of your life - you will glow and God will use you to draw others to Him. The seeds you have sown will be grown and multiplied. And He will reward YOU! Wow! Thank you, Father, for giving us your precious Son, the greatest gift of all.