We Are Chosen

October 16, 2022
1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
1 Peter was written to the Church of God which was spread out over Asia Minor, which is now modern day Turkey. But his words most definitely still apply today. He’s telling us that we have been chosen. The 2nd book of Peter was written directly to those people in God’s Church, telling us what we are called to do.
We are: CHOSEN, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, and His own special people.
He actually got these phrases from the Old Testament book of Galatians that were used to describe Israel!
The first step of being chosen is to be called. Being called is when God reaches down and draws us to Him. Being Chosen is when we respond to that call by believing and acting on it. To continue, being Faithful means that we are then committed to that calling throughout our lives.
So when we are called and chosen, true Christians then officially are part of God’s family. God the Father becomes our spiritual Father. We become part of the household of God.
Once we are chosen, Peter goes on to tell us what we are to do with our lives. We are to declare praises of Him both in word and deed because He called us out of darkness and into His wonderful light.
Peter’s words are filled with meaning for today’s people as well. We are people of God. Not people of the world. We are God’s special possession. Being a Christian is not just a change of status, but a change of heart. We have so much potential to do amazing things in Jesus’ name. Let’s get out of the darkness and into the light to spread His message.