We Have Hope In You

“Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us just as we have hope in You” ~Psalm 33:22
Other translations say, “Let Your gracious love be upon us” or “Your kindness”. But each ends the sentence with hope. The hope of Israel was the Messiah. Generation after generation longed for His coming. Everything thing they did was a reflection of the promise, whether they were aware or not. Every word or item used in worship and prayer represented this coming hope. Many Jews assumed that the Messiah belonged to them, an earthly king who would free them from their continued bondage under stronger powers.
But there were glimpses given by the Holy Spirit that this Savior was for all mankind, even the creation itself. Abraham (over 4000 years ago) was given the promise that of his line the Savior of the world should come. When 8-day-old baby Jesus was presented at the temple, Simeon declared that he was holding the Savior of all peoples. When cousin John saw 30 year old Jesus walking toward him, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God who has come to take away the sins of the world”.
This hope is for us as much as it was for the nation of Israel. The Hope has come - God becoming Man on the first Christmas. The Man-also-God fulfilled His mission on the first Easter, by paying the wages for all sin on the cross. There is no greater love than this. Now we wait. He is coming soon! To make everything right. The Light is coming and darkness cannot overtake it. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Genesis 12:3; Luke 2:31; John 1:29,15:13,1:5; Revelation 22:20
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