Yet I Will Rejoice

“Even though the fig tree does not blossom, and there are no grapes on the vines; even if the olive harvest fails, and the fields produce nothing edible; even if the flock is snatched from the sheepfold, and there is no herd in the stalls— as for me, I will rejoice in the LORD. I will find my joy in the God who delivers me.” ~Habakkuk 3:17-18
We don’t often hear about Habakkuk. He’s hidden away in the Old Testament among other short books. But his writing is large. He emphasizes the majesty and power of God as he actually converses with Him. Habakkuk asks God questions and God answers! Picture that! They are questions we could ask today - “there is so much evil, why isn’t it being punished?”
These verses above, indicate the state that in which they were living - poverty, famine, nothing was safe from robbery. BUT, Habakkuk writes that God will not leave them. Almost 700 years later, Paul quotes Hab 2:4 twice! “The righteous will live by HIS faithfulness” - he’s talking about Jesus Christ (see Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11-14) and His faithfulness to go to the cross for the sins of the world.
They found hope in that promise. We can learn from that. Our world is in chaos, many are suffering economically and financially. In some areas, the law is ineffective and even non-existent. We hear rumors of national take-over. It is frightening. BUT, we can find joy because we know the end of the story. Jesus is coming again. Anything we go through in this life is a drop in the bucket of eternity. Keep that hope alive!
Have a blessed day!
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