You Answered

September 23, 2022
Psalm 138:3 - “When I cried out for help, you answered me. You made me bold and energized me.”
Psalm 138 is one that is called the “Songs of Ascent” because it was sung by David and the people as they were returning from exile in Babylon. We already know from our other devotions from David that whenever he was in distress and called out to God, God heard him. God heard his prayer and He answered him by filling him with His boldness and David’s soul was strengthened. Any time that David’s strength failed, God made him bold with strength in his soul. At a time when so many others were serving other gods, David proclaims His faith in the God above all Gods, not a god made by man, gut a God who does answer us when we call.
God is ready, willing and able to rescue us from any and all our troubles. I was thinking earlier about Peter walking on water to Jesus. The moment he took His eyes off Jesus, what happened? He started to sink. In that single moment that his eyes turned and he looked at the crashing waves, it caused him to doubt and fear. He took his eyes off the only one who could empower him.
When there is trouble and you are going through something uncomfortable or scary, do you tend to try to find some way to escape from those emotions besides God? My stress reliever is food, or more in particular, sweets. Some people turn on the tv and drown themselves in movies to take their mind off things. There are thousands of ways to avoid a situation. But they won’t help. It might be a temporary fix, but it’s not permanent. Worrying and fretting will get you nowhere! You’ll just get more and more upset, if you don’t seek God first for help and comfort.
But guess who is right there, ready and waiting… God is. He wants us to run to Him for anything and everything.